Friday, September 27, 2013

Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset in first grade is key to NOT going crazy!  :)  Knowing that my students are coming into my class at all different levels academically, socially, emotionally, physically, and mentally really helps me realize how much is really being asked off all teachers.  Setting goals for each individual student for areas they are lacking in and highlighting those that they succeed in is one of my ways that we make our classroom full of ALL students that are learning.  Recently, I had to give my students a test.  If you know me as a know I absolutely HATE tests.  I hated them as a student and I hate them for my students.  Some of my students, boys especially, knew the answers, but didn't get the format of the test!  BLAH!  What am I assessing them on?!  Test taking or past, present, and future?!  This was a great time to reflect and see different ways the students could have shown me their growth and knowledge that they have gained.   I have been able to get our grade to cut a lot of these tests out....maybe some more for next year.  :)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fresh Start

Last spring, our principal said something to our staff that has stuck out to me.  He said that teaching is great in many ways, but a large benefit of the teaching profession is your fresh start every year.  I have to say, I totally agree with him.  Now, did I have a hard time saying good bye to my students from last year? Yes.  Would I take them back in a heart beat? Yes.  But, there is something about a clean slate of students that you can get connected to, figure out their learning styles, and create an educational journey best fit for that new class.  I am loving the challenge of figuring out each student.  It's so easy to get comfortable in anything you do for a long time, whether it is your profession, hobbies, or whatever.  Well, when you are a teacher, there is NO getting comfortable.  Every year is different and every year forces you to try new things that are best for the students you have at that point.  This is why each and every student you have as a teacher, means the world to you.  You put a lot of time, heart, and energy into each and every one.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2 Things

1.  Now that I have met my class....I CAN'T WAIT TO FLIP!!!! I actually dislike teaching math right now, because I know how much more beneficial it's going to be for my kiddos when I flip.  I have sooooo many kids that are bored....and a few that are lost ALREADY!  YIKES!!  I can't wait!

2.  Fellow bloggers!  I implemented a new way to BLOG this year!  MY FIRST GRADERS DO IT!  We end every day writing the blog TOGETHER!  I LOVE IT and it's a great way to reflect on our day as a class!


Vacuum Cleaner!!

Well...if you haven't read my other posts....I have a WONDERFUL class, with some WONDERFUL kidos....with different needs.  This one, I am so concerned about academically and behaviorally.  I am pretty sure I will be referring him after Fall conferences, but for now, I am trying to think of things that can keep his behavior in check.  I was inspired by two very amazing mom and Grace!  While Grace and I were watching an old time classic, "The Brave Little Toaster" I remembered a story my mom told me when she was teaching one year.  She could not get a student to finish his work for the life of her.  She noticed how much he wanted to help in the room, but couldn't do his work.  So, she brought in a broken vacuum cleaner and other broken appliances....tbis got the kid WORKING!  She told him that on Friday, he could work on the vacuum cleaner as long as he did his work in class.  It worked like a charm!  This sounded just like my little rockstar I have in what did I do?  I went and had my dad find a broken vacuum cleaner.  It will arrive in the twin ports tomorrow, and it will be revealed on Friday.  The student knows about it and has been contributing his hard work to the excitement of his vacuum cleaner and tools that are coming.  I can't wait for Friday!   

Friday, September 6, 2013


I have to start out with....WHAT A WEEK!  It went great and it was tough at the same time!  I definitely felt very prepared and ready for my kiddos!  Thank goodness I was so prepared with the classroom stuff, because I was not prepared for what was walking into my classroom.  WOW!  I am so fortunate to have the students I have this year but some may really give me a run for my money.  :)  They are a MUCH different group from last year, and I am actually really excited about this.  I am really using my mom, a first grade teacher starting her 31st year, as a resource.  With one of my little dudes who can not sit still or get an assignment done for the life of him.....I found broken appliances!  WHAT!!?!? Yup!  This is his incentive......get your stuff done, which really isn't that much, and you can put these appliances back together.  Since I mentioned them he has been a WHOLE NEW KID!  I also gave him more responsibilities in the classroom... like as the HANDY MAN...he has the tool of tape!  Whenever someone tears a paper or cuts something out wrong....the handy man is there to save the day!  :)  SO FUNNY that the smallest things can work.  Loving it. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First day.....OVER LOAD!!

I don't know if everyone's school is the same but I felt SOOOOOO over loaded I can't imagine how the little ones felt!  We had bus safety and then how to go through the lunch chaos and rules in our classroom!  YIKES!!  I think next year I would only want to have the rules of the classroom the first day and lunch room procedures.  Then I would go over the bus safety the next day!  I felt like we were running EVERYWHERE and nothing was sticking.  I am exhausted to say the least, so I'm hoping all of my little ones are all tuckered out and ready for a more relaxed and enjoyable day tomorrow!  We are starting Daily 5 tomorrow and centers!  I'm so excited to teach it because I know how much fun they are going to have!  :)  My favorite part of our first day was when we took a brain break and played the smile game, where they try to walk down the aisle of people without smiling.  :)  I also loved when I had two students share their summer pictures!  The kids loved it!

One new thing I implemented today which I thought could help anyone trying to blog, especially in elementary.  We wrote the blog at the end of the day together!  SO MUCH FUN!! Then I don't have to do it on my own time!  It took 5 minutes.  They talked and I typed!  Happy SLEEPING!