Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Action Research

All I have to say is thank goodness this is my 'practice' action research.  I loved my backwards design unit with the human body, so it is hard to follow it up with my unit that I'm trying to compare to the body.  The question I am asking is:  How will choice in assessment change first graders' motivation and understanding of science concepts?  The data collection is the most challenging part for me.  The idea that I can keep track on how many times I need to redirect a student or when they have questions, is asinine. When I look into data collection for my actual action research, I need to be more specific with what I want to see in my outcomes.  To be honest, I don't think I really knew what I wanted to see.

Like I said at the beginning, it was a hard follow-up to my body unit since the kids were so engaged.  I feel like my action research should have been comparing two units, one where the students taught the lessons, and the other when I just taught the lesson.  This would be much more useful to me and looking into generativity. 

I am so happy that we did a PRACTICE run!