Wednesday, July 24, 2013

August Next Week!!

I can not believe it is August next week!!  I have so much I need to get done and I am starting to get stressed.  This is my list thus you all know it will keep growing...
1. Finish writing a referral
2. Finish mapping our math curriculum
3. Finish my classroom order
4. Finish my letters to my new students, including their form on the use of technology they have at home.
5. Finish my plan for my action research, which I have all in my head, just need to finish getting it down on paper.
6. Finish the perfect classroom, which I write WAY too much when I'm working on it.
7. Finish my backwards design unit. 
Like I said, the list will continue to grow, but I think I keep avoiding things because they are all such HUGE tasks!!  Tomorrow, I'm going to start knocking things off the list one by one.  Maybe even tonight.  We will see what time I arrive in Duluth after my mom's birthday celebration up on the range.  Life all of a sudden takes crazy turns where your priorities shift.  My students and my classroom will always stay towards the top of my list.  As soon as they are not towards the top of my list, I know it is time to find something else to do.  :) I don't see that ever happening, feeling the stress I am right now.  :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

A week away to reflect and write my ROL!

This week I am getting away from my busy life and heading out to the wild.  I want to take this time to really reflect and think about my year to come.  White Iron Beach Resort in Ely, MN will be my home for the week. I have already spent quality time in the hammock reading a new book that I just purchased, Teaching in the Digital Age: Age 3 through Grade 3.  Being away from the hustle and bustle of work and friends is really helping me be focused.  I want to take the time and energy to make sure that the flipped classroom is being implemented the best way possible for my students.  It was so nice when I got stuck and bored of reading, I took out the kayak and went and just thought over everything I have read thus far.  No, I have not started my ROL, but I do best when I get all of my thoughts in line and then start writing.  I am getting close to being ready to write out my story of my research, I can tell because I'm starting to get excited to write what I have found.  I want it to be informational, enjoyable, and beneficial to the reader.  Well, off to the hammock again.