Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sensed need....

My sensed need in my classroom is MORE TIME!  I know everyone feels this way so maybe people can help me out.  I am ESPECIALLY feeling the time cramp in math.  After language arts and looking for time where a student isn't pulled from my classroom, I am left with 55 minutes of math.  In this time, I am suppose to teach the concept, have them practice the concept, and then differentiate.......WHAT?!  There is not enough time.  That is why I'm leaning towards flipping my classroom in math.  The students can learn the concept at home, through my educreation videos, and then we can practice and differentiate at school.  I'm really loving the idea of this, but I need to see what is going to work best for students at such a young age.  They don't have the independence at home as the secondary students that I'm reading about.  The youngest grade I have seen this used in is second grade.  I guess I'll keep researching and asking questions! 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Flipped First Grade

Happy Mother's Day everyone!  I have recently decided to look into this 'Flipped' classroom business and research what would work best for my classroom next year.  Everything that I read has really inspired me and made sense to me.  I am reading a book that Dan suggested to me, Flip Your Classroom by Jonathon Bergmann and Arron Sams.  Although, they teach in a high school setting, I could still make this model work.  I have also reached out two one Esko teacher's daughter who has done a lot of research on the flipped classroom and has flipped her own fifth grade room and her other sister has flipped her second grade classroom.  She has sent me presentations that she has given with information to provide to parents.  I have also been asking colleagues, parents, and administration how they feel about it in first grade.  Everyone has been all for it!  One teacher/parent did say that all the research she read suggests you start in fourth grade.  This made me wonder why they thought that, so I decided to try a flipped approach in my own room, just to see what happens.  I did it with an art project.  I simply had 4 pictures up on the smart board, in order of how to make the project.  The students were making Mother's Day plants.  Once they were done, they came and worked with me in small groups to plan the flower.  If they finished ahead of time, I had math apps on the iPad that they could 'play'.  It was so amazing!  As you can see above. all of the gifts turned out great and I had to give little instruction and got a lot of one on one time!  Who knows how much different it would be in math.....I guess we will SEE!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Cinco de MAYO!


Vision/Mission Statement

“…you can be proud of a picture that you colored in the lines, but you are going to be even prouder of a painting that you made on a blank canvas.  My goal is to provide my students with that blank canvas.”

                                                                                                         -Christina Cimermancic
When I created this statement, I was thinking about the 'old fashion' approach of teaching.  Many teachers have been very successful with this approach and students have succeeded with it.  This is how I was taught.  There was not a lot of creativity or problem solving included in my education, it was more being told how to learn and what to learn.  That is your coloring in the lines.

A 21st century classroom gives the students a blank canvas, maybe a few talking points, and lets them discover on their own. Using different forms of technology, different mediums, learning styles; putting it simply; learn the best way for them!  This allows the student  to take ownership in their learning and their end result.  The students are not only learning the content, but also the process.  This day in age, the process is the most important part, due to information being so readily available through the use of technology. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Loving Carol Tomlinson

Below is an excerpt from my annotated bibliography.  I read a few of Carol Tomlinson's works while exploring what I wanted to do for my action research.  One thing I really enjoy about Tomlinson is that she is a teacher herself.  I have difficulties reading from people who have never taught a day and think they know what's best for students.  Tomlinson is very honest and takes you through her entire journey of discovering what works best for her students.

Tomlinson, C.T. (2010).  Learning and Managing A Differentiate Classroom.(1ed.). Alexandria, VA:ASCD.  Carol Tomlinson takes you in her journey of becoming a leader and manager of a differentiated classroom.  Carol’s interesting perspective is very honest and truthful.  Her first teaching career started in October, and she was brought into the classroom as they fired the teacher she was replacing.  She walked into a class that was out of control and not engaged at all.  The book talks about how to get to every student on a personal and academic level.  According to her, they are one in the same.